Well since last soccer season was a complete waste because it was pretty unorganized and Maddie just wasn't in to it we decided to try a different league, and well pretty much same disorganization, maybe worse actually, but Maddie is much more competitive this time around. Her poor "coach" I don't think has ever played and probably never even watched a soccer game before. It makes for some interesting games when we're doing throw-in's on the goal line in place of goal kicks and corner kicks...I try to get over it because I refused to volunteer myself because one I'm very pregnant at the moment and two I wanted Maddie to have a coach other then myself or Seth so she would be more likely to listen. Well, Seth has stepped up and usually asks the "coach" if she wants help and he ends up doing all the coaching which even though it's not what we intended, it is much better off this way! So here are some pictures of our future soccer star:
Bailee is also quite the soccer fan. She loves to dribble and LOVES to cheer on her big sister, it's pretty cute!

It took her quite a while to actually get into this position. She must have fell off the ball ten times before she got it to stop moving, she was pretty proud.

Maddie in action.